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of Raleigh
RSPS Burgee

Class is not currently scheduled.

Offshore Navigation

The first of two courses on sextant (celestial) navigation.
You will use a sextant to take sights on the Sun and use that information to plot your location using a Running Fix. This course describes:
- how to reduce your sun sights to determine celestial Lines of Position (LOP)
- the proper use of a sextant
- the importance of correct time
- accurate plotting
- the use of nautical almanacs and navigational tables.
You will also complete a paper cruise where you will have the opportunity to see how one might use a sextant in conjunction with a GPS on a trip towards Bermuda.

Advanced Marine Navigation

  • ABC member (includes books): 85.00
  • ABC member (sharing books): 10.00
  • Non-ABC member (includes books): 190.00
  • Non-ABC member (sharing books): 30.00

For further information, contact:

Harold Lynn Dail